This is where you will find our Notes. Musical and Fretting. We hope you get inspired to Make some Space for Music. It will add a spring in your step and a song on your lips. It will be a Thriller!
Taaqademy Instrument Purchase Handbook
Decided to learn how to play a musical instrument? Yes, you're going to have...
Being a Good Band Member: What it Takes
Performing in a band is without a doubt one of the most fulfilling things you...
Music Education: Too Early? Or Too Late?
Most people tend to believe that there’s a ‘right’ age to begin learning music...
Engaged Listening – Deeper Connections, Effective Communication (Part 1)
One of the most real and unforgettable things I’ve experienced as a student of...
Taaqademy Instrument Purchase Handbook
Decided to learn how to play a musical instrument? Yes, you're going to have to buy one. Yes, there are a lot of choices - especially in these days of e-retailing. Some purchase decisions are easy,...
Why is it Important to Learn the Acoustic Guitar First
I was about 11 or 12 years old when I first learned to play the guitar. I took that first step because I dreamt of playing what I loved—Led Zeppelin, Metallica and Iron Maiden. Around then, I’d...
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Taaqademy Instrument Purchase Handbook
Decided to learn how to play a musical instrument? Yes, you're going to...
Why is it Important to Learn the Acoustic Guitar First
I was about 11 or 12 years old when I first learned to play the guitar. I...
Being a Good Band Member: What it Takes
Performing in a band is without a doubt one of the most fulfilling things...
Music Education: Too Early? Or Too Late?
Most people tend to believe that there’s a ‘right’ age to begin learning...
Engaged Listening – Deeper Connections, Effective Communication (Part 1)
One of the most real and unforgettable things I’ve experienced as a...
More Teachers: New Ears, New Ideas
Having worked at Taaqademy for sometime now, I’ve noticed many remarkable...
Jamming: Musician for Learning on the Job
The term ‘Jam session’ is derived from jazz music. It involves a musician...
Buying Your First Guitar FX: Pedals or Processor? (Part 2)
In our last article, we took a look at some of the basic differences...
Buying Your First Guitar FX: Pedals or Processor? (Part 1)
It’s safe to say that most guitar players start with an acoustic...
The Sleigh Bells Are Ringing – Christmas Playlist
The Sleigh Bells Are Ringing! Five of The Best Artists to Add to Your...
Learning To Play More Than One Instrument
“Why should I learn to play a musical instrument?” - a fairly common...
Against Top 40: Why We Need More than the Radio
Have you ever groaned at hearing Shape of You played for the fifth time...
Unravelling The Myth of Music, Musicians and Gender
A few years ago, I met a fantastic young Taaqademy drummer, around...
Acoustic Vs. Electronic Drums: What’s Right For You?
Every year, the debate between acoustic and electric drums becomes more...
Setting Up A Home Studio: Essentials vs. Nice-to-Haves
So you’re doing it! You’ve decided to set up a home studio. Woah. That...
Bass – The Low-Key Younger Sibling Of The Guitar
If the guitar is the popular, good-looking kid who hangs out with all the...
Is The Live Drum Kit In Danger Of Dying Out?
There’re a few things that partly deaf neighbours and sleepless family...
5 Best And Most Affordable MIDI Keyboards
In an older post about the basics of setting up a home studio, we saw...
Musicians: Do You Really Need A Perfect Pitch?
If you’re a pop music fan, you might have seen Charlie Puth (the artist...
Yikes! Do You Know Your Mics From Your Mikes?
The humble microphone or ‘mic’ is such a vital, indispensable part of any...
What Happens When Six Strings Just Won’t Do
Most guitars have 6 strings, and most guitarists seem to get by quite...
What Does Social Media Plus Music Equals To?
Social media platforms like Instagram and Tik Tok have not only affected...
Are Practice Pads Just Another Passing Fad?
Every drummer, new or old, has at some point struggled to choose...
Music Theory For Dummies? No, Just Drummers
If you’re a drummer, sometimes it’s easy to look at the seemingly endless...
Hear, Hear, Hear: Your Ears Need Protection!
What’s the key to having a long and healthy musical career? Is it...
Musicians Are All Ears With The In-Ear Monitors
Ever wondered what the earphone-like devices that musicians wear on stage...
What Is A Soundcheck? How Do You Prepare For One?
The stage is all set. You’ve been practicing for weeks to nail the songs...
The Process of Music Licensing: Complicated or Rewarding?
The Process of Music Licensing: Unnecessarily Complicated or Hugely...
Amp It Up! The 4 Types Of Guitar Amplifiers
If you’ve recently found yourself in possession of a shiny, new electric...
Between a Rock and a Record Label (Record Labels Part 3)
Last week, we saw how the dream of getting signed to a record label is...
Musicians: Are You Better Off On Your Own? (Record Labels Part 2)
Last week, we took a look at what record labels are, how they work, and...
Record Labels: Dream Factories Or Dinosaurs?
It’s likely that at some point in their career, many artists have dreamed...
The 10 Hardest Guitar Solos To Learn In Our Humble Opinion
The 10 Hardest Guitar Solos to Learn (In our humble and expert opinion)...
Five of The Best Beginner DAWs To Get You Started On Your Music Journey
If you’re looking to start creating and recording your own music, it’s...
Sure You Can Sing, But Do You Need Vocal Training?
Whether you’re a professional singer or not, training your voice is...
5 Modern Drummers Pushing The Boundaries Of The Drum Kit
Drummers are often thought of as being the backbone of the band, and this...
Late Boomers: 8 Famous Musicians Who Started Out Later In Life
Are you dreaming of a music career, but worried that you're too old to...
As a Musician, How Much Do You Need To Practice?
So, you want to be a professional musician, huh? Well, you better get...
What Goes In Choosing Your First Instrument
Some people walk into music classes knowing exactly what they want to...
Siddhartha Patnaik On 25 Years Of Freedom Jam
Siddhartha Patnaik on 25 Years of Freedom Jam, His Musical Origins and...
Twesha Ghosh On Khoyi And Working With Taaqademy
Twesha Ghosh On Her Debut Single ‘Khoyi’, Working With Taaqademy and...
Biswajit Misra On His Musical Roots, Taaqademy and Apotheosis
Biswajit Misra On His Musical Roots, Working At Taaqademy and Newly...
Taaqademy Tamb-Ola: Corporate Workshops With Ola
All That Jazz Speaking of which, over the course of the program, the...
When Music And Sports Collide: Our Newest Centre At The CSE
Did you know that Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest ever players to grace...
Online Concerts – Are They Really Worth It?
With a deadly pandemic outside keeping everyone at home, how is an...
Make The Most of 2019 – Make It Your Ear For Music
It’s that time of the year where some of us start to contemplate life,...
Taaqademy Faculty Spotlight: The Django Twins
One thing you'll notice immediately when you meet Siddharth Gautam or...
Music Education – A Personal Journey by Gaurav Kamath
Let me start off by admitting a clear bias here- I love music and...